A Bit About Me


I am a poet & writer living on the edge of a canyon in the ancestral lands of the Northern Pomo people in Lake County, California. Each time I look out my window, I become a student of the trees whose blackened trunks and new green after wildfire demonstrate the truth of impermanence & the nature of our earthly fragility. I try not to get too doomsday about it all by remembering to breathe. And by writing.

I practice writing the world that I see with the eye of my heart. That world touched by the knowledge of our common humanity, our vulnerability.

In first grade, I created my first poetry chapbook with magic markers and a daisy print fabric cover. I’ve been surrendered to and delighted by the life and possibility of words ever since. Thank you, Mrs. Green!

Recently, my work has been chosen as a finalist in the Jane Underwood Poetry Prize, judged by Sharan Strange.

I am currently working on a poetry manuscript, working title: Torch Song // Transcendental

and a memoir about True Refuge, A Revolution of Petals In the Heart

Thank you for visiting!